
The Arts Page: James & Heidi Steeno

Artist Statement

I’ve always had an above-average interest in sketching, painting, design, lines, color, images and art. The metaphysical answer: this is a way to connect to the infinite mystery of the human experience. I love the open-door universe of art, a realm as old as language, yet current and ever changing. We all have unique and special gifts. The difficulty is recognizing exactly what they are, cultivating them, and then bringing them to the attention of the world.

#jamessteeno  #jamessteenogallery #jamessteenofan

About James Steeno

A native of Wisconsin, James Steeno is an independent artist/illustrator in Milwaukee. Born and raised in Green Bay, he began art classes at a young age. He holds a Baccalaureate of Fine Arts degree with an emphasis in graphic design and illustration from the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh. James participates in a variety of art shows, fairs and painting competitions around the state of Wisconsin. His artwork can be found in shops around the greater Milwaukee area. James works full time as a professional artist/illustrator/creative entrepreneur from his home studio in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Milwaukee where he resides with his wife Heidi and their daughter.

James Steeno Gallery

My gallery and Etsy Shop are places that have grown, evolved and changed through a creative process and journey that I wish to share with my friends, family, neighbors, fellow artists and the world.

There isn’t a clear beginning as I’ve always been interested in drawing, painting and illustration. Since 2006, an annual in-home group art show has spilled out into the community in the form of the James Steeno Gallery. I may be found in my art booth at many local art fairs and street fairs, exhibits, cool local shops and boutiques – a few of the ways to bring the creative spirit to everyone.

We all live in a global world, but I believe local variations give art a place and tremendous interest. My works are about where I live (Milwaukee, WI) and the interesting things found nearby. It is for everybody to see and enjoy. Please look around and explore.

What's Being Said

"Like John Gurda is considered THE Milwaukee historian, James Steeno might be THE Milwaukee artist. He's at almost every festival and market you can think of. Bastille Days, the Tosa Farmers Market, Cedarburg's Strawberry Festival, just to name a few. His focus is Milwaukee and Wisconsin. He paints the shops, restaurants, buildings, parks, neighborhoods that we hold dear. For Milwaukeeans and Wisconsinites his art is like comfort food for the soul." – Milwaukee PBS, The Arts Page

"This family has had a very profound impact on me and all the artists and makers they surround themselves with. I’ll never forget the front yard pop ups they organized in their neighborhood during Covid when all of our events went away and things got tough. They helped so many artists and small businesses stay busy and safely create that human connection artists NEED through our work."

Mike Bate, owner of LitMKE and founder of Make Art MKE

"Love your watercolors! Love all the places in Wisconsin that you have brought to life with the heart of the place made visible!"

Beth H., Etsy Shopper

"A beautiful rendition of my memories."  – Shari, Etsy Shopper

"I love your paintings. I grew up in Milwaukee and these bring back so many happy memories. Thank you for your great work."

Barbara, Etsy Shopper